Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Portobello Car Free Day

After commandeering some pedalling assistants (A wizard, a ladybird, Dalmation? and a man dressed...as a Man) we embarked on a high speed downhill to the promenade to lead off the Dressed up bike parade. Silly costumes, decorated bikes, gardening bikes, glittery bikes you name it, it was there!

Portobello's promenade traders are missing out on so much business with a cycling ban on some parts of the promenade. Hungry and thirsty family cyclists will go elsewhere.
There was only one pedestrian moaning about the bikes, but I suspect he is a "local character"

Cosybike moved gently and safely through the pedestrians and made everyone smile.

For the rest of the day we did rides through the narrow streets and round the portobello parks.

The Highlight of the day was finding out lots of my riders were "Chernobyl Children" from Belarus. They are STILL suffering the effects. Lots of them are brought over to the UK every year for a term in school, doctors visits, dental visits, and Fun stuff like riding my bike! Woo Hoo! They loved it! FOCC contact me now, I'm sure we can arrange more trips.

Sunday, 23 September 2007

Cosy News New Blog opened, Smells like a new TV. I've turned the box into a wendy house.

Here is where we will document cosybike appearances. I hope you are all holding on tight and are prepared for the emergency stop test. You will be warned before this happens.

3, 2, 1, STOP!

Smashing. We can now continue with the ride, Everybody Pedal!

560 riders since we started in August! I'm knackered, so am going for a snooze now. You'll have to wait for a bit for more of this blogging malarky. If you're lucky it might even get funny. It will be no soap opera though, you will not be hearing about about funny cooking incidents or insignicant decisions I have to make.