Are you Crazy? Bring it on!
At the moment I'm quoting quite high for your prom enquiries BUT if you spread the word around other schools, bebo, facebook and the like I will see if can put together some sort of Prom season tour to help spread the travel and staff costs. At the moment it's about £60 - £90 per rider depending how far south you are in the UK!
Remember, no one sees you in a limo, and hen nights and 5 year olds have made them just a wee bit vulgar.
Arrive in style, elegance, dishevelled yet vitalised on the cosybike instead.
To secure your prom booking you must supply a credit card number (Phone, don't email it) or pay in advance via Paypal. This way your booking will be taken seriously and not discarded as "just kids" All emails must written in full English and not text speak. You will be entering into a contract. It is a prom after all, I expect you will have been educated by now!