Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Danny MacAskill - Now this is Rad to the Power of sick!!

Don't worry Cosybike can do none of these things.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Keep the bookings coming! Then cosybike can add one of these to the fleet!

Get Booking for Summer Now!!

May - September is getting busy. If you haven't confirmed your event yet I'd do it sooner rather than later.


Monday, 20 April 2009

You have not lived until you have experienced

He once did a skid on his bike that lasted for two weeks.

*Cosybike is outside now practising some maximum extreme jumps

Thursday, 16 April 2009

It was so much fun they had to ride it Twice!!!

Cosybike spent two days in Anderston for the Easter holidays as part
of Culture and Sport's activity program.

These events happen all over the city all the time. Keep an eye out
here for what's on.

There can be no moaning about "nothing to do" these days. scouts
guides, youth clubs, discos, arts, dance workshops you name it its
all out there. And lots of it is even FREE!!

Thanks again to all my riders - it's you that makes the magic happen
- the bike just helps a little bit and has you all working together.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

The Girl that unloaded cosybike from the truck...

Poor girl, All the big strong boys were busy, BUT little Jenny was
there and offered herself as a willing victim.

Along with my folks, some ladders and scaff boards we fashioned a
ramp and slid the bike off gently. Sideways. Because that was the
only access!

Jenny was a key scaffolding board mover. She plays her role down
modestly, (although in retellings I notice she tells everyone she
did it all by herself) She was also the first swedish cosybike
rider in scotland as we had to ride the bike home as the truck was
too big to make it round the corners.

Jenny also makes really funky clothes and wedding dresses that are
all unique.

She has a shop in the southside and an online outlet here. Buy her